Unfortunately for me I never got to meet my grandmother; she passed before I was born.
According to my mother, I have the same hobbies as my grandmother did. Mother gets sad sometimes when she thinks about my grandmother and me and how we would have had so much fun sharing ideas, sewing, embroidering or working in the garden.
As for the embroidery hobby we share; grandmother used the single thread method, which is what the Chinese used to create their delicate masterpieces. Myself, I have no patience, I use the whole floss as is.
Fellow embroiderers have told me that I have a very unique style, imagine my amazement. I am self-taught, just started stitching not really knowing what the hell I was doing. Maybe my grandmother has been guiding me the whole time because for someone who didn't know what she was doing it looks pretty good.
Great for me because I can not imagine someone telling me it is wrong. How could anything a person creates be wrong? To each his own, create away I say, someone will like it.
Apparently, my grandmother smoked cigars and cigarettes, which I guess was quite common for her generation? I laugh everytime I think about that. Check out the picture of her with a cigarette in her mouth as she pulls laundry from the line in her yard.